How2 B a Christ Follower
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Mission Trip to Mexico!
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Watch this from Francis Chan

SAFETY: We travel under the protection of PSALM 91:11, "He will order his angels to protect you wherever you GO"

REGISTRATION: Adult $90 Under 21 $50 - This money will purchase food for the orphans and us, your transportion and lodging fees. Read the Code-of-Conduct, fill out the registration form, enclose your check and mail to: PO Box 67757 ABQ, NM 87114. Contact Ellis McMath ellismcmath@aol.com for more information.

TRANSPORTATION: The Transportation Captain will contact you concerning your assignment vehicle. We will depart Albuquerque Friday morning and return Sunday.

BAGGAGE: Bring your passport or passport card. If you do not have one you may still be able to go on the trip. Contact Michelle Potter for more information.  

FOOD: We will be preparing food supplies transported from the USA. 

LODGING: We will be staying in the dorm rooms at Christlike Ministries Compound at Kilometer 27. Bring a sleeping bag and pillow. 

PHYSICAL HEALTH: The local water will make you sick if you drink it. Use your bottled water for drinking, cooking or coffee, even if it is being boiled. The reason most STM's get sick - dirty hands - use your hand sanitizer often.  

SPIRITUAL HEALTH: Expect to experience God. Expect him to speak to you; ask him to speak to you. Be open to how God wants to change you; you will be changed. 


Name _________________________________ Date of birth ____________

Age ______________ Sex _____________

Address ____________________________________________________

City _____________________ State ___________ Zip ________________

e-mail ______________________ Cell phone ________________________

Home phone ________________________ Work phone ________________

In case of emergency whom should we contact?

_______________________________________ Phone ______________

I have read and agree with the Code-of-Conduct

Name ___________________________________   Date   _____________