Crossing the river upon arrival in Siquirichi (Copper Canyon) Mexico
13 vehicles, 1 airplane, a tent city for 74 STMs (short term missionaries) Shower tents, privy tents, mess tents, dining tents, dorm tents, personal tents large and small! Did anyone count the number of tents?
To build a two story church in three days it first takes intervention from the Lord, secondly dedicated, hard working, skilled people! Well done guys and girls.
74 people from 7 differing churches - serving God. We were Better Together!
Christ is the cornerstone of this Church. In three days we went from a concrete slab to a closed-in two-story church building. In Pastors Dan's words, "we didn't build a church, we built a big box - we were the CHURCH" - Great Fun! Thanks God for the privilege.
What were these people thinking? Could you send up a prayer for the Tarahumara Indian people? That God's love shown to them will rock their world?
Cheryl with the "locals"
Founder and CEO of Better Together Mexico, Ellis McMath
Felix did it! (Tarahumara kid that took the blame for things that went wrong)
Running with the Tarahumara - world class runners (6 on left) They won!